Microsoft Exchange Server 2007/2010 – store.exe High Memory Usage

A friend of mine recently had a problem with his server notifying that he has a problem with his Microsoft Exchange 2010 Server. His server has a user of 1600, and a memory of 12GB. I am not going to go for all the hardware details but the problem was, that store.exe is continuously using up huge amount of system RAM.

Resolution: Primarily store.exe and as well inetinfo.exe is designed to use as much memory as it requires. Specially store.exe. But according to the design spec store.exe will free up the memory if the system requires it. And it’s not a good practice to limit the memory usage, as this is absolutely normal. This is true for Exchange 2007 as well as 2010.

But still in some organization it could be requirement due to some other unavoidable variables. But if there is no memory pressure while store.exe
is taking up-to 10 GB with 2 GB reserved for OS Kernel, you should not go for it limit the memory usage. Memory would be released with application pressure. Moreover you should know that this is a feature NOT a bug.

And the procedure follows (To Limit Exchange to Use Less RAM):

1. Start ADSI Edit.

2. Open the following object: Configuration/Services/Microsoft Exchange/Your organization/Administrative Groups/Your administrative group/Servers/Server name/Information Store.

3. Right-click Information Store, and then click Properties or edit msExchESEParamCacheSizeMax. Note that Exchange 2007 works with 8 KB pages and Exchange 2010 with 32 KB pages. Set this according to your exchange version.

4. Under the list of Attributes, scroll down and select msExchESEParamCacheSizeMax.

5. Click the Edit button, then type the number of 8/32 KB pages where you want to take the changes to be effected.

6. Restart the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service for the changes to be effected.

For more information and calculations regarding the cache size; please go to the following link @ Microsoft Technet.